Whenever I go to a networking event I always get a mix of believers and non believers; those who believe 100% and those who think they will cluck like a chicken. I’m talking about hypnosis, hypnotherapy or the trance state.

Many people who go to see a Hypnotherapist often receive a very mediocre explanation of what hypnosis is, how it works and why it works. Often without a good understanding they find themselves in the hypnosis chair. My first experience was similar to this and I remember feeling like my body was very heavy and rigid, to be honest I wasn’t that comfortable because I didn’t know what to expect.

I want to make sure my client has all the facts and that there are no misunderstanding or misconceptions. This alleviates fear and anxiety, builds trust and rapport, and provides the client a sense of comfort and safety leading to good, effective, long lasting therapy.

If I were to tell you that everyone reading this post, in fact every human being alive, experiences hypnosis many times a day, would you believe me?  Let me just say that the media has got it wrong, most things you read or see are either hype or misinformation and not at all what happens in a real hypnotherapy clinic.

So is it real? You be the judge. There are literally thousands of definitions of hypnosis. I kind of like this one because it’s simple, “Hypnosis is a normal and natural state of mind and has been referred to as an opened minded state often happening when you are in a relaxed or contemplative state. You can often experience a spontaneous state of hypnosis whilst day dreaming or focussing on something specific like reading, watching a movie, preparing a report etc. Hypnosis allows us to tap into the subconscious part of your mind.”

Now in the field of psychology it is well accepted that the subconscious mind exists, as proven by Dr Sigmund Freud back in the 1930’s. The subconscious mind is who you really are, it holds all your experiences, learnings, beliefs, values, habits etc. It’s your emotional; your feeling mind. Gaining access to this mind through the use of hypnosis enables you to make the changes you want, need or desire.

Control is a big problem because the media brainwash you into thinking and believing that you will lose control when in a trance state. What they don’t tell you is that hypnosis is a consent state and you cannot be made to do anything you do not want to do. So if I give you a suggestion that you don’t like, want or connect to then you will reject that suggestion. That is why if a client tells me that he wants to make an appointment because his wife wants him to give up smoking I would refuse to take him on as a client. He has no chance of giving up because he doesn’t want to and I cannot make anyone do what they don’t want to do. So who is in control!

To reinforce this, below is current research and evidence which proves through neuroimaging that hypnosis is real. Of course you can still “cluck like a chicken” but only if you consent!

Click here to read the article.

Ready to try it, just email me or fill our the contact form or give me a call on 0407744566. You can book a free 30 minute introductory session if you still have reservation. “live a life that matters”