Under 40’s in a Belly Fat War!

Are you under 40 and either gaining weight or struggling to lose it?  Some academics in the US might have found a possible reason that is not related to food choices. A research study conducted by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine  found that there is a clear link between lack of SLEEP and the build up of visceral fat (belly fat).  Many of us are aware of the risks associated with having excess fat around those organs – heart disease, metabolic conditions, insulin [...]

6 Ways To Build A Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life

After a couple of weeks off without any kind of routine in sight I must say I was actually looking forward to going to back to work, to again have some structure in place. Although there are 24 hours in every day we know that not every hour is created equal. If  you have a purpose in mind or a idea of what you want to achieve then your chances of meeting your goals increase significantly if you have a structured approach to it. There are [...]

Guilt Free Eating

How would you like to get through this festive season eating what you like but without feeling guilty? What if you could step on to the scales on the 5th January and you are the same weight you were on the 5th December? Well you can, welcome to the hunger scale. At this time of the year we often tend to ignore the signal that tells us we have had enough to eat and often find ourselves eating to the stage where we feel stuffed or nauseous. It's so [...]

Cravings And Diet Drinks

Is there a connection between Cravings And Diet Drinks? I recently shared an article on facebook about the negative effects of soft drink. This particular article didn't discuss DIET soft drinks but recent research has indicated that diet soft drink may be the main reason you struggle to keep your weight under control. Researchers are also now concerned that artificial sweeteners might even be one of the causes of our obesity epedemic! So if you think that diet soft drink is helping you to lose weight, think again. Research [...]

Research Shows That Messy Desk Equals Poor Food Choices

Is it possible that poor food choices are connected to a messy desk? In Brisbane right now we are experiencing very humid and hot days up to 43 degrees which makes it hard to function effectively. I often feel lethargic and drained of energy. As a result of this I find that the household and office chores get put on the back burner and I find myself wallowing in more than a bit of mess. Papers and stuff everywhere! I have also noticed that when [...]

Manage Diabetes With Hypnotherapy

Picture this - Manage Diabetes with Hypnotherapy You have been feeling a bit off colour, a bit lethargic, you know you are carrying too much weight and you have a sweet tooth. You often get thirsty and often have difficulty getting the energy up to do anything. You spouse nags you to go and get it seen to so you make an appointment with your local GP. The doctor does some tests and that advises you that you have diabetes and then gives you prescriptions [...]

New Australian Study On EFT And Food Cravings

I have successfully used EFT on many of my clients for a multitude of different problems and issues but I have had great success in one particular area - cravings. From soft drink, chocolate, sugar, cigarettes and alcohol the list is endless. The great news is there is now scientific evidence that this actually does work. A scientific study of EFT for food cravings has been conducted by Dr. Peta Stapleton of Griffith University in Australia. The study found that EFT reduced food cravings, and [...]

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