Under 40’s in a Belly Fat War!

Are you under 40 and either gaining weight or struggling to lose it?  Some academics in the US might have found a possible reason that is not related to food choices. A research study conducted by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine  found that there is a clear link between lack of SLEEP and the build up of visceral fat (belly fat).  Many of us are aware of the risks associated with having excess fat around those organs – heart disease, metabolic conditions, insulin [...]

5 Self Limiting Beliefs That Are Paralysing Your Business

Did you know that 80-90% of all small businesses fail in the first year? Sometimes it can be due to physical challenges like location, financial problems, poor marketing, people issues and other factors. However you may be surprised to hear that the overwhelming majority of these failures are due to self limiting beliefs. Henry Ford said “whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you are right”. Our self limiting beliefs are often a result of social conditioning and can be conscious [...]

Scientists Find The Key To Happiness

I have a poster in my bedroom which says: Happiness Live Much Laugh Often Love Well But is it really that simple. How easy is it to be happy and what causes happiness? As I started looking into this I came across some research by a Dr Robb Rutledge that I feel covers part of what happiness may be all about.  He developed this mathematical formula: What this means is that happiness depends on your expectations. More on the happiness equation here Dr. Robb Rutledge who is a Senior Research [...]

How Do You Have Fun, Create Balance And Find Purpose Again?

Whenever I see a client who is stuck, who lacks purpose and drive or life feels like a drag I often introduce them to the Life Wheel. Although one of the best ways of helping a client like this is by using Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy to understand the cause the Life Wheel is a great exercise and tool for helping them create more balance and success in their life. It provides awareness, clarity and understanding and this enables them to see which areas they need to work on. So as we move closer [...]

Random Acts Of Kindness

As we move towards Christmas we tend to get caught up in our own lives and sometimes the stress and pressure that many of us experience at this time of year means we fail to notice that someone may need our help. I read an article recently that listed the top 10 random acts of kindness that people would most like to receive. The number 1 answer was getting a hand written note in the mail. That may surprise many of the younger generation (under [...]

Men’s Health And Movember

Did you know that suicide is the leading cause of death in men aged between 15-44 and that of all suicides in Australia 76% of them were men? At least 1 in 5 men will experience an anxiety disorder and 1 in 8 will suffer from depression, these however are the ones that have been diagnosed so the numbers are most probably much higher. I’m writing this blog with a heavy heart as I have personally known 3 men who have taken their own lives [...]

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