Living in a world of uncertainty is an experience very new to most of us and it has been compared to living during a war.  It seems that everyone I talk to is on this emotional roller coaster and I wanted today to share some things that you could try to create a more even keel in your life.  Sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference as to  how you feel and think.

There are two thoughts that resonate with me the most right now   The first is feeling fearful, feeling I can’t cope but when I realise that I am not alone, that we are all on the same journey it changes my mind set.  It’s the same thought I had when I was about to deliver my first baby,  I was very scared and apprehensive and someone said to me, “millions of women deliver babies all the time”.  Just realising I was not alone made a massive difference, to my mind talk. Other women all around the world are having babies all the time, I am not alone and I knew I was going to be ok.

The second is the message of this quote “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, it became a butterfly”.  Remember there is an end date, we don’t know when but there is one and we will get through it.  Then ask yourself is there something I can do to create a version of myself so when this is over I emerge like the butterfly  Challenge your thinking, ask what can I read, learn, experience, change – engage your create mind and start thinking outside the box.  I have seen many examples of  where individuals and businesses are doing just this.  And it is truly inspiring.

My thoughts then turned to what else can I do to get through this time of uncertainty maintaining a sense of hope and creating the opportunity for growth,  So I turned to the wise writings of Steven Covey for some inspiration and direction.

Being a great advocate of Steven’s work (author of 7 Habits of High Successful People) I thought I would share with you 1o easy tips to help get the sunshine back into your life.

  1.  Express gratitude – when you appreciate what you have, what you have appreciates in value. Start with the little things – having shelter, enough to eat.  This is even more important when you are socially isolated.
  2.  Cultivate Optimism – people who think optimistically see the world packed with opportunity.  Think about the quote above about the butterfly – let that be your mantra.
  3.  Avoid over thinking and spending too much time on the doom and gloom presented on tv, social media etc. It sets the tone of your day.  Yes, keep up to date with whats going  but limit it.
  4.  Nurture Social Relationships – The happiest people on the planet are those who have deep and meaningful relationships.  Families and friends become really important in times like these. Now that life has slowed down take time to nurture these relationships.  There are many ways to reach out online so you stay safe.
  5.  Develop Strategies for Coping – have these healthy strategies ready,  on call and pre-rehersed in your arsenal of coping tools and techniques.  My coping strategy for dealing with fear is focusing on the fact I am not alone, see above.  What are your strategies?
  6.  Learn to forgive – anger, regret and blame will never make you feel good. Forgiveness if all about taking your power back and letting go of the past.   There was never a better time to do this than now.
  7.  Practice Acts of Kindness – find ways to show compassion and kindness in a random way and notice how good you feel inside.  So many great examples of that are happening right in front of our eyes.  What can you do?
  8.  Practice mindfulness – do it with me now, its as simple as closing your eyes and focussing on your breath, observing your natural flow and listening to the sound and quality of that breath.  Then at the same time moving your attention to the little nerves and muscles around your eyes, and relax those muscles just let them soften and release.  Move backwards and forward, focussing on breath then eyes for up to 60 seconds.  This exercise will take you into what we call the “now”, a state of mindfulness.  Now notice how you feel calmer and little more relaxed.  Practice this often.
  9. Have a plan, a routine, something each day to strive towards.  Create a purpose.  Make a curry, do an online yoga class, plant some seeds etc. When we make commitments no matter how small, magical things can happen
  10. Look After Your Body – the saying “you are what you eat” is truer than you think. A healthy body is a happy body.  Being at home near food all the time can be a major challenge for many.  If you find yourself struggling with eating too much or the wrong things and you are ready to make a change  contact me here, I can help.

Finally I have created a hypnosis video to help to relax the body and calm the mind.  Its called Peace in a world of Uncertainty and is available through CDBaby, itunes, Amazon here