5 Signs Your Metabolism Needs a Boost

5 Signs Your Metabolism Needs A Boost We all know someone who seems to be able to eat whatever they want, whenever they want and never gain a pound/kilo. As an added bonus they also seem to have toned muscles, shiny lustrous hair and great clear skin and often have boundless energy. So is this what happens when your metabolism is working at the highest level?  Unfortunately too many of us suffer from a slow or sluggish metabolism.  So how do you know which category you fall into? I [...]

Under 40’s in a Belly Fat War!

Are you under 40 and either gaining weight or struggling to lose it?  Some academics in the US might have found a possible reason that is not related to food choices. A research study conducted by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine  found that there is a clear link between lack of SLEEP and the build up of visceral fat (belly fat).  Many of us are aware of the risks associated with having excess fat around those organs – heart disease, metabolic conditions, insulin [...]

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