Research Shows That Messy Desk Equals Poor Food Choices

Is it possible that poor food choices are connected to a messy desk? In Brisbane right now we are experiencing very humid and hot days up to 43 degrees which makes it hard to function effectively. I often feel lethargic and drained of energy. As a result of this I find that the household and office chores get put on the back burner and I find myself wallowing in more than a bit of mess. Papers and stuff everywhere! I have also noticed that when [...]

Manage Diabetes With Hypnotherapy

Picture this - Manage Diabetes with Hypnotherapy You have been feeling a bit off colour, a bit lethargic, you know you are carrying too much weight and you have a sweet tooth. You often get thirsty and often have difficulty getting the energy up to do anything. You spouse nags you to go and get it seen to so you make an appointment with your local GP. The doctor does some tests and that advises you that you have diabetes and then gives you prescriptions [...]

Depressed Or Stressed – Which One Are You?

Depressed or Stressed? An interesting question, but how many of us actually know the difference? A recent survey in the UK reported that more than 75% of us believe that we suffer from depression and that the number of anti depressants has almost trebled in the last 10 years. In Australia it has been described as an epidemic of modern times and the statistics are quite staggering: 1 in 5 people will experience depression in their lifetime. Over 50% of them will not seek treatment [...]

Hypnosis Breakthrough – Research Studies Confirm That It Works

Scientific research studies show evidence that Hypnosis works: Wall Street Journal Article April 2012 On the mornings she undergoes chemotherapy, Jeanne Safer hypnotizes herself en route in the taxi. She starts by closing her eyes, then rolling them up to the top of her head and down, all the while breathing deeply. As I'm doing that, I'm saying to myself, This is a procedure that will save my life. I'm not going to fight it. I'm going to make it as easy on my body [...]

Sleepwalking And Hypnosis

When a 30-year-old lawyer who practised karate in her spare time gave her husband a black eye while sleepwalking, she decided she should seek help. The Melbourne woman's life-long sleep-walking disorder had never really perturbed her because she rarely ventured far from her bed and later had no recall of her night-time adventures. But her husband's slumber was disturbed most nights by her sitting up in bed and talking or getting up and moving around. And when she lashed out at him in her sleep [...]

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