Learn to Sleep Deeply using the Power of your Mind

SLEEP DEEPLY Are you struggling to get good quality sleep?  Do you wake up in the morning feeling as if you have been run over by a bus! One of the most common reasons a client will seek out the services of a Psychotherapist or Clinical Hypnotherapist is to help overcome insomnia.  So whether it’s the inability to get to sleep, or you suffer from broken or interrupted sleep during the night or you wake feeling tired and lethargic and flat, you are in the [...]

Think Yourself Healthy – Placebo Effect

I came across an article recently in Essays.co.uk that got me thinking. When we think about hypnosis and how it works I believe that all the answers are inside your head. My role as a Hypnotherapist is to guide and coach you to where you need to go to find the answers. Client centred hypnotherapy is all about dealing with what comes up and changing direction if necessary to help you get the very best outcome. This essay particularly caught my attention as it talks about the power of the brain [...]

Is Stress Killing Us?

The first report was published by Lifeline Australia in 2009 on the effects that stress is having on everyday Australians' hip pocket. Apart from the significant financial impact that stress is having on the economy, the majority of everyday Australians are suffering  in silence, unaware that they can do something about it. At this very moment 91% of Australians feel stressed about some aspect of their lives. What's more, stress has been linked to obesity, premature ageing and heart disease and that's just the start. [...]

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