3 foolproof ways to destroy your child’s self-esteem in an instant

I remember when my son first stared rowing a few years ago.  He was excited and before he even got in the boat he was convinced he was going to win medals! During his first on-water session he seemed to be doing well when I noticed him starting to struggle.  As I watched him I could see his smile fade replaced by a frown as he struggled to maintain balance and falls into the water.  I sense his growing discouragement and frustration as he struggles [...]

19 Confronting Relationship Facts You Don’t Want To Hear

Imagine this scenario, beautiful beach, sunset, champagne, warm balmy night, holding hands, love is in the air, you feel amazing. Romance, we all love the idea of romance. But how long can romance in its original, passionate, all encompassing state exist before the day to day stuff gets in the way. I’m not saying that you can’t experience a deep long term love or passion I’m just saying that over time it changes. Life just gets in the way and without compromise it often doesn’t [...]

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