Scientists Find The Key To Happiness

I have a poster in my bedroom which says: Happiness Live Much Laugh Often Love Well But is it really that simple. How easy is it to be happy and what causes happiness? As I started looking into this I came across some research by a Dr Robb Rutledge that I feel covers part of what happiness may be all about.  He developed this mathematical formula: What this means is that happiness depends on your expectations. More on the happiness equation here Dr. Robb Rutledge who is a Senior Research [...]

6 Ways To Build A Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life

After a couple of weeks off without any kind of routine in sight I must say I was actually looking forward to going to back to work, to again have some structure in place. Although there are 24 hours in every day we know that not every hour is created equal. If  you have a purpose in mind or a idea of what you want to achieve then your chances of meeting your goals increase significantly if you have a structured approach to it. There are [...]

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