Learn to Sleep Deeply using the Power of your Mind

SLEEP DEEPLY Are you struggling to get good quality sleep?  Do you wake up in the morning feeling as if you have been run over by a bus! One of the most common reasons a client will seek out the services of a Psychotherapist or Clinical Hypnotherapist is to help overcome insomnia.  So whether it’s the inability to get to sleep, or you suffer from broken or interrupted sleep during the night or you wake feeling tired and lethargic and flat, you are in the [...]

Under 40’s in a Belly Fat War!

Are you under 40 and either gaining weight or struggling to lose it?  Some academics in the US might have found a possible reason that is not related to food choices. A research study conducted by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine  found that there is a clear link between lack of SLEEP and the build up of visceral fat (belly fat).  Many of us are aware of the risks associated with having excess fat around those organs – heart disease, metabolic conditions, insulin [...]

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